The Future of Medicine
The Future of GlobalMedWhat’s in store?
The Future of Medicine as led by GlobalMed
GMT has been working closely with our team of engineers designing various GMT-PCI Models for different applications. GMT is very excited to pioneer future treatments and processes for all types of pathogens that may affect humans and animals. The various models of irradiators specifically designed for each application will enable GMT to cover a wide range of infectious diseases in the future.
Worldwide Pandemics
Since 1999 Dr. Fernandez has been working on eliminating the world’s fear of succumbing to an apocalyptic outbreak of some deadly disease. Before today we worried about the Avian Flu, Ebola, Anthrax, Botulism, MRSA, Rubella, SARS and Cholera but today we know all too well about COVID19 and the frightening nightmare that has proliferated across the world. Unfortunately, no one had to die, but that’s a whole other story in itself.
Until now we have worked tirelessly to get these studies funded only to come up against a wall time & time again. The heartbreaking thing about it is that we believe that no one had to die from this disease – not one person. At least we finally have a light at the end of the tunnel with Operation Warp Speed. Prior to the PCI-1, there was a lack of a cure for any of these outbreaks and an inability of pharmaceutical companies to produce viable, accessible safe vaccinations that are accepted by everyone that needs to take it.
GMT’s PCI process can safely assure that no virus, bacteria, fungus, or parasite can mount a resistance to our treatment. All pathogens to date have been destroyed safely and quickly.
The “dream” of being able to inactivate most, if not all of the current biological threats that would harm humans & animals is now within our grasp. The GlobalMed PC-1 UV Blood Irradiation System ushers in a new era that will provide a low-cost, effective, and safe treatment option for all infectious diseases around the world.
Blood Sterilization
A very serious concern in the blood bank industry is their inability to clear donatable blood of all pathogens.
GMT has designed a Blood Sterilization Process that will eliminate all traces of pathogens from donatable blood. GMT’s system will not only clear the blood of all pathogens but it will directly destroy those pathogens. This process will alleviate any concerns held by those receiving blood transfusions of being infected with tainted blood.
Organ Sterilization for Global Transplantation
GMT in collaboration with several universities in Colombia, South America, has developed a PCI process for sterilizing organs prior to transplantation. Colombia is the worldwide leader in organ transplant procedures and the developers of the world’s first successful complete Larynx transplant operation in a human being. In fact doctors from these universities are the trainers of doctors in the US and worldwide on this procedure. GMT has been working on a irradiation process that will sterilize an organ to the point that no matching of a recipient to an organ will be required and there will be no possibility of rejection by the recipient of their new organ. This will in essence eliminate the need for all anti-rejection drugs which in and of themselves cause damage to the newly transplanted organ. This organ will truly be of the recipient and will function as if they had been born with it.
Treatment of Respiratory Infections
GMT has also designed a respiratory treatment system that will change how we treat infections in the future. No longer will the process be invasive but rather, all treatments will be given via a process via the respiratory system that will directly influence pathogens in the blood stream. This non-invasive system will usher in a new generation of irradiators and applications worldwide.
Treatment of Infants, Children & Small Animals
Apart from adult applications, GMT presents the possibility of infant, children, and small animal treatments. This system consists of an irradiation chamber and a disposable kit, specifically designed to treat infants, children and small animals who require only a small amount of blood to be irradiated. The applications for this PCI-Irradiator will save the lives of millions of children suffering from HIV and other long term catastrophic diseases. Also, in the veterinary world dogs suffering from Parvo will be a thing of the past; one to two treatments and Parvo and other similar diseases are eliminated.